LandSandBoat Changelog (2025-03-15)
- [sql] audit mob droplist - 1251 to 1300 [#7228, patch] (LacunaXI)
- [lua] fixed saurumugue zone pos [#7225, patch] (slashtangent, 0x05010705)
- Revert “[bcnm] bcnm20 charming trio updates” [#7224, patch] (zach2good)
- [lua] einherjar chamber planner [#7223, patch] (sruon, Wiggo, siknoz)
- [sql] audit mob droplist - 1201 to 1250 [#7221, patch] (LacunaXI)
- [cpp] resolve issue with gear missing rslotlook value for lockstyles [#7220, patch] (ariel-logos)
- [lua] add default actions to missing stone monuments [#7219, patch] (slashtangent)
- [core] remove ub with avatar in party latent behavior [#7218, patch] (WinterSolstice8)
- Core: improve logging from watchdog [#7217, patch] (zach2good)
- [lua] einherjar rewards generation [#7216, patch] (sruon, Wiggo, siknoz)
- [lua] einherjar glowing lamp interactions [#7215, patch] (sruon)
- [sql] audit mob droplist - 1151 to 1200 [#7214, patch] (LacunaXI)
- Geomantic reservoir audit [#7213, patch] (WinterSolstice8)
- [lua] audit requiem & song duration bonuses [#7212, patch] (WinterSolstice8)
- [sql] change bolster addtype to main job only [#7211, patch] (WinterSolstice8)
- Upgrade backward external lib [#7210, patch] (WinterSolstice8)
- [core] only join messagethread if it is joinable [#7209, patch] (WinterSolstice8)
- [lua] use combat helpers for automaton pdif/acc calculations [#7208, patch] (WinterSolstice8)
- [core] adjust getavailabletrickattackchar for compiler warning [#7207, patch] (WinterSolstice8)
- [lua] [quest] add quest the flipside of things [#7206, patch] (slashtangent)
- [lua] einherjar smoldering lamp interactions [#7205, patch] (sruon)
- [client] march 2025 version update [#7204, patch] (claywar)
- [lua] hazhalm dialog ids [#7203, patch] (sruon)
- Only split on first equal sign [#12, patch] (sruon)
- [sql] audit mob droplist - 1101 to 1150 [#7202, patch] (LacunaXI)
- [sql] add item mods to gleti’s set, kendatsuba set [#7201, patch] (Jungmin-Moon)
- [bcnm] bcnm20 charming trio updates [#7199, patch] (The-Aerec, Aerec)
- [lua,sql] hazhalm mob ids [#7198, patch] (sruon)
- [sql] audit mob droplist - 1051 to 1100 [#7195, patch] (LacunaXI)
- Fix several random calls not accounting for exclusive upper range [#7194, patch] (Xaver-DaRed)
- [sql] einherjar mobs hp, level [#7193, patch] (sruon, Wiggo, siknoz)
- [sql] hazhalm zone misc flags [#7192, patch] (sruon)
- [lua][command] !mission command [#7191, patch] (KnowOne134, KnowOne)
- [sql] update drg accuracy bonus iii 78->76 [#7190, patch] (pd123123)
- [core] einherjar lamp lua bindings [#7188, patch] (sruon)
- [sql] audit mob droplist - 1001 to 1050 [#7187, patch] (LacunaXI)
- [sql] einherjar drops [#7186, patch] (sruon)
- [sql] audit mob droplist - 951 to 1000 [#7185, patch] (LacunaXI)
- [lua][command] !quest var target [#7184, patch] (KnowOne134, KnowOne)
- [core] delete movement speed effects when attacked [#7180, patch] (sruon)
- [lua] rename lv75 relic weapons [#7179, patch] (sruon)
- [lua] geo check for entrust when casting indi [#7178, patch] (sruon)
- [sql] audit mob droplist - 901 to 950 [#7177, patch] (LacunaXI)
- Items that are “ex” and “alt” can now be sent to characters on the same account [#7176, patch] (DrDoakHead, Razlin)
- [lua, sql] ro’maeve nm audit [#7175, patch] (CriticalXI)
- [lua,sql] rename mythic weapons [#7174, patch] (sruon)
- [lua,core] treasure pool lua bindings [#7173, patch] (sruon)
- [sql] audit mob droplist - 851 to 900 [#7172, patch] (LacunaXI)
- Ipc: swap to using static dispatch [#7171, patch] (zach2good, sleepingkirby)
- [lua] mythic 75 magian trials [#7170, patch] (sruon, MowFord)
- [sql] audit mob droplist - 801 to 850 [#7169, patch] (LacunaXI)
- Updated for breaking pip3 install command. [#105, patch] (Sunderous)
- Core: fix zone_type type in createzone() [#7163, patch] (zach2good)
- [lua,sql] cor rolls effect flags [#7160, patch] (sruon)
- Command: let !quest list by prefix [#7157, patch] (zach2good)
- Chore: move rounduptonearestfour out of basicpacket [#7154, patch] (zach2good, atom0s)
- Only sleep zones after mobs have pathed home [#7110, patch] (DrDoakHead, Razlin)
- [lua] [sql] [quest] two horn the savage implementation [#7102, patch] (slashtangent, 0x05010705)
- Ceizak - nm - mastop, hp/mp, skill, behavior adjustment [#7031, patch] (Yuchemey, Yuch)
- [lua] port asb jol [#6312, patch] (WinterSolstice8, TracentEden, Frankie-hz, Kravy)
- [bcnm] add remaining wtb avatar bcnms [#6214, patch] (TracentEden2, dallano, TracentEden, overefined)